Section: Application Domains

Experimental Platforms

To test and validate our approach, we use experimental platforms developed by our partner teams; these are highly instrumented for accurately monitoring the state of biological species:

  • A photobioreactor (SEMPO) for Lagrangian simulation of the dynamical environment of marine microalgae (LOV) with computer controlled automata for high frequency measurement and on-line control. This photobioreactor is managed by Amélie Talec.

  • Several pilot anaerobic digesters that are highly instrumented and computerized and the algotron, that is the coupling of a digester and a photobioreactor for microalgae production (LBE). Eric Latrille is our main contact for this platform at LBE.

  • Experimental greenhouses of various sizes (from laboratory to semi-industrial size) and small scale devices for insect behavior testing at ISA.

Moreover, we may use the data given by several experimental devices at EPI IBIS/ Hans Geiselmann Laboratory (University J. Fourier, Grenoble) for microbial genomics.